Sunset tour with dinner on historic boat

Enjoy the coast of Barcelona and a beautiful sunset aboard the historic Southern Cross sailboat
Buying this fantastic tour you will no longer need to look for a restaurant
because this tour includes tapas.


Tour Barcelona by day and night aboard the red sightseeing bus. You will be able to Hop On Hop Off unlimited times during 24 hours from the moment you get on board for the first time. Create your own itinerary by visiting Barcelona at your own pace and discovering its history with the audio guide system and enjoy unique views of the main monuments.

What else to do in Barcelona

Good Practices in Barcelona

Preservation of the Natural and Heritage Environment

Dear customers, aware of the importance of raising awareness about the environment and sustainability, Bags&Go has joined an awareness campaign of initiatives and / or procedures to favor the preservation of the natural and heritage environment.

The change is in your hands, help us to care for and preserve the natural and cultural environment of Barcelona.

Find out, respect and apply “good local practices”

City and historical-cultural heritage

• Respect the basic norms of civility and coexistence. Do not shout and address with respect to the citizens, remember that you are visiting.
• Respect local traditions and customs.
• Do not consume alcoholic beverages on public roads.
• Do not smoke in areas not authorized for that purpose. If you do, be sure to put out the cigarette before throwing it in the ashtray / bin.
• Use the clothes according to the place where you are.
• Respect and take care of both the city’s monuments and urban furniture.
• In case of driving through the city at night, respect the rest of the neighbors, you are on vacation, but surely there are people who continue working the next day.

Coastline and beaches

• Do not carry any plastic that is susceptible to flying off (bags, films, etc.).
• Do not smoke on the beach or, if you do, take an ashtray and throw the cigarette butts in the trash.
• Do not step on or alter the sand dunes in the areas where they are present. Dunes perform many functions in nature: they dissipate the energy of the sea, they are the habitat of many species, etc. Do not step on them, or use them as a shelter from the wind to sunbathe.
• If you carry a lot of accessories, such as umbrellas, folding tables and chairs, try to install them at a certain distance, so that they do not disturb the other bathers.
• Respect the flora and fauna, both on the beach and in the sea. Do not take samples of flora or fauna of endemic or protected species.
• Remember that it is forbidden for animals to circulate on the beach, except in specific free access areas for them.
• Food is altered exposed to the sun; street vending is prohibited and produces waste.
• If you carry a radio, make sure the volume is not too high. The beach is usually quite a busy place and avoiding excessive noise is everyone’s job.
• If you are accompanied by children, make sure that they play without disturbing the other bathers and better in the adapted or less crowded areas.
• Where shower facilities are available, make good use of it, do not use more water than necessary and avoid the use of soap.
• A clean beach is not one that is cleaned mechanically, this is a dead beach. Collaborate in its cleaning. If you see trash on the ground, remove it. You will feel better and the beach too. • Respect the accesses on the beach, walk something else to get to your favorite destination. Your beach will thank you and your health too.
• Join any environmental awareness movement or activity. Without a doubt, here you will meet people who will open new paths for you and you will discover, for example, where the garbage that reaches the sea comes from.

Enjoy the nature

To parks and green spaces.

During the visit in the natural space, the instructions of the educators must be followed at all times and it is also necessary:

• Always respect the flora and fauna.
• Do not deviate from the roads or the marked routes.
• Eat in the picnic areas.
• Do not throw waste on the ground and, if possible, take the garbage that is generated.

Administrative Office Address

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Moll de Sant Bertrán s/n

Estació Marítima Trasmediterranea

08039 – Port de Barcelona

